##A 05 39311 3 ##T LIFESTYLE ##A 05 62944 4 ##T Living Simply ##A 05 136674 5 ##T COUNTRY STORE CATALOGS COUNTRY STORE CATALOGS Like the Amish community it serves, LehmanÕs is gentle, bucolic, and competent. Not a trace of tourist-fake-nostalgia in the farm-kitchen gear: gas refrigerators, wood cookstoves, and 50-gallon iron ÒcannibalÓ cauldrons. You can still get real Flexible Flyer sleds here! Cumberland General Store has similar country stuff, plus a wonderful selection of horse drawn buggies and wagons. The Vermont Country Store specializes in old-style cotton clothes and household goodies. They still make Õem like they used to. Ñ J. Baldwin Ù Community Playthings ##A 05 136950 6 ##T COUNTRY STORE CATALOGS Cumberland General Store Catalog $3.75 from: Cumberland General Store Route 3 Crossville, TN 38555 800-334-4640 615-484-8481 (TN) ##A 05 7650 7 ##T COUNTRY STORE CATALOGS LehmanÕs Catalog $2 from: Lehman Hardware and Appliances, Inc. P. O. Box 41 4779 Kidron Road Kidron, OH 4463 216-857-5441 ##A 05 8772 8 ##T COUNTRY STORE CATALOGS The Vermont Country Store Catalog free from: The Vermont Country Store Mail Order Office P. O. Box 3000 Manchester Center, VT 05255 ##A 05 236648 9 ##T COUNTRY STORE CATALOGS It has been a number of years since anyone has made a cotton chenille bedspread in this country. This long-time favorite is now back in a lightweight version ideal for warm weather and for those who do not care for a heavy bedspread. Made with traditional twisted fringe, this spread has 100% cotton tufts in an open-weave, lightweight backing of 50% cotton and 50% polyester. No. 17068 Twin (78 x 108) Chenille Spread $35.00. No. 17069 Full (96 x 108) Chenille Spread $45.00. No. 17070 Queen (102 x 118) Chenille Spread $55.00. ÑVermont Country Store catalog ##A 05 138475 10 ##T COUNTRY STORE CATALOGS Oranges, lemons, pears, apples, most other firm, round fruits and vegetables up to 3 1/2" long. No spike to pierce fruit. Spindle is quickly and easily locked for varying lengths. DoesnÕt require resettling to start new peeling cycle. 5 3/4" H x 8" L. Clamps to any surface up to 1 7/8" thick. $39.75 Postpaid. Ñ LehmanÕs ##A 05 138084 11 ##T COUNTRY STORE CATALOGS CumberlandÕs General Purpose Buggy. Model H1 with top. With rubber tires. 7041. $3025.00. Ñ Cumberland General Store ##A 05 237237 12 ##T COUNTRY STORE CATALOGS The same fine tradition of quality and craftsmanship that made Flexible Flyer the best sled on the market in 1889 makes it the best sled on the market today! For five generations, Flexible Flyers have been made from the highest quality hardwoods and toughest tempered steel. The heavy chrome bumper and built-to-take-it construction held together by tough steel rivets and screws (not staples and glue) make it the Òking of the hill.Ó No. F748-2 48" long overall $58.95 Postpaid No. F754-2 54" long overall $69.96 Postpaid ÑLehmanÕs catalog